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Grabgestaltung für Einzelgräber

Naturstein Francisco ist Ihr zuverlässiger Ansprechpartner in Sachen individuelle Grabgestaltung für Einzelgräber in Linnich. Rund um eine geschmackvolle Grabgestaltung gibt es eine Menge Möglichkeiten, um den geliebten Verstorbenen angemessen zu würdigen.

Viele Menschen verarbeiten mit der Grabgestaltung den Tod des Verstorbenen. Mit einer dezenten Grabbepflanzung durch pflegeleichte Bodendecker wirkt das Grab jederzeit ordentlich.

Grab-Ideen zur Besichtigung in Linnich

Die Schönheit des Natursteins wirkt vor allem kombiniert mit einem handwerklich exklusiven Grabmal.

Konnten wir Ihnen mit unseren Beispielen rund um die Grabgestaltung für Einzelgräber die verschiedenen Alternativen nahebringen? Bei weiteren Fragen kontaktieren Sie Naturstein Francisco telefonisch.

if(window.MooTools && !window.jQuery) { var Starratercomments4ward = new Class({ Implements: Options, options: { stars: 5, // the number of displayed stars rating:0.0 // this rating is showen onload }, initialize: function(container,currStars,inputField,options){ this.setOptions(options); this.container = container; this.currStars = currStars; this.inputField = inputField; this.currStars.setStyle('width',this.getCurrstarsWidthByRating()); this.inputField.set('value',this.options.rating); this.addBehavior(); }, addBehavior: function(){ this.container.addEvents({ 'mousemove': function(event){ this.currStars.setStyles({'width': this.getCurrstarsWidthByCoord(event.client.x)}); }.bindWithEvent(this), 'click': function(event){ var rating = this.getRatingByWidth(this.getCurrstarsWidthByCoord(event.client.x)); this.options.rating = rating; this.inputField.set('value',rating); }.bindWithEvent(this), 'mouseleave': function(){ this.currStars.setStyle('width',this.getCurrstarsWidthByRating()); }.bindWithEvent(this), }); }, getRatingByWidth: function(width){ return Math.round((width/this.container.getStyle('width').toInt()) * this.options.stars * 100)/100; }, getCurrstarsWidthByCoord: function(xCoord){ return xCoord - this.container.getPosition().x; }, getCurrstarsWidthByRating: function(){ return this.container.getStyle('width').toInt() / this.options.stars * this.options.rating; } }); } else if(window.jQuery) { (function($){ "use strict"; var pluginName = 'Starratercomments4ward', /* Enter PluginOptions */ PluginClass = function() { var selfObj = this, // << $Kompatibilitaetsgruende img = null; this.item = false; this.init = function(elem) { selfObj = this; if(this.debug) console.log('Plugin "'+pluginName+'" initializing'); this.elem = elem; this.item = $(this.elem); if(this.container !== null) this.container = $(this.container); else { console.error('Warning: Option container is required!'); return; } if(this.currStars !== null) this.currStars = $(this.currStars); else { console.error('Warning: Option currStars is required!'); return; } if(this.inputField !== null) this.inputField = $(this.inputField); else { console.error('Warning: Option inputField is required!'); return; } if(!selfObj.enabled) return; this.loaded(); if(this.debug) console.log('Plugin "'+pluginName+'" initialized'); }; this.disable = function() { clearTimeout(selfObj.scrollTimeOut); selfObj.enabled = false; }; this.enable = function() { selfObj.enabled = true; }; this.loaded = function() { if(!selfObj.enabled) return; selfObj.internBefore(); if(selfObj.debug) console.log('Plugin loaded'); selfObj.currStars.css('width',selfObj.getCurrstarsWidthByRating()); selfObj.inputField.val(selfObj.rating); selfObj.container.mousemove(function(e){ selfObj.currStars.css({'width': selfObj.getCurrstarsWidthByCoord(e.pageX)}); }).mouseleave(function(e) { selfObj.currStars.css('width',selfObj.getCurrstarsWidthByRating()); }).click(function(e){ var rating = selfObj.getRatingByWidth(selfObj.getCurrstarsWidthByCoord(e.pageX)); selfObj.rating = rating; selfObj.inputField.val(rating); }); selfObj.internAfter(); }; this.internBefore = function() { if(!selfObj.enabled) return; selfObj.before(); }; this.internAfter = function() { if(!selfObj.enabled) return; selfObj.after(); }; this.getRatingByWidth = function(width){ var rating = Math.round((width/parseInt(selfObj.container.css('width'),10)) * selfObj.stars * 100)/100, decimal = rating.toString().split('.')[1]; if(decimal !== undefined && decimal[0] !== undefined) decimal = decimal[0]; if(decimal === undefined || decimal < selfObj.roundDown) { decimal = 0; rating = Math.floor(rating); } else if(decimal > selfObj.roundUp) { decimal = 0; rating = Math.ceil(rating); } else { decimal = 5; rating = Math.floor(rating); } return rating+'.'+decimal; }; this.getCurrstarsWidthByCoord = function(xCoord){ return xCoord - selfObj.container.offset().left; }; this.getCurrstarsWidthByRating = function(){ return parseInt(selfObj.container.css('width'),10) / selfObj.stars * selfObj.rating; }; }; $[pluginName] = $.fn[pluginName] = function(settings) { var element = typeof this === 'function'?$('html'):this; return element.each(function(k,i) { var pluginClass = $.data(this, pluginName), standardOptions = { debug: false, enabled: true, container: null, currStars: null, inputField: null, roundDown: 3.5, roundUp: 6.5, stars: 5, rating: 0.0, after: function(){}, before: function(){}, }, args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); if(!settings || typeof settings === 'object' || settings === 'init') { if(!pluginClass) { if(settings === 'init') settings = args[1] || {}; pluginClass = new PluginClass(); if(settings) standardOptions = $.extend(standardOptions,settings); pluginClass = $.extend(standardOptions,pluginClass); /** Initialisieren. */ pluginClass.init(this); $.data(this, pluginName, pluginClass); } else { return; } } else if(!pluginClass) { return; } else if(pluginClass[settings]) { var method = settings; pluginClass[method](); } else { return; } }); }; })(jQuery); }