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Granit ist das bekannteste und häufigste Tiefengestein. Der Naturstein-Granit tritt in unterschiedlichsten Farben und Strukturen auf. Weiterhin gilt er als härtester, stabilster sowie beständigster aller natürlichen Werkstoffe. Bei uns können Sie aus circa 80 verschiedenen Granit-Natursteinsorten wählen. Alle Granite gibt es auch mit rutschfesten Oberflächen, zum Beispiel geflammt oder gesägt.

if(window.MooTools && !window.jQuery) { var Starratercomments4ward = new Class({ Implements: Options, options: { stars: 5, // the number of displayed stars rating:0.0 // this rating is showen onload }, initialize: function(container,currStars,inputField,options){ this.setOptions(options); this.container = container; this.currStars = currStars; this.inputField = inputField; this.currStars.setStyle('width',this.getCurrstarsWidthByRating()); this.inputField.set('value',this.options.rating); this.addBehavior(); }, addBehavior: function(){ this.container.addEvents({ 'mousemove': function(event){ this.currStars.setStyles({'width': this.getCurrstarsWidthByCoord(event.client.x)}); }.bindWithEvent(this), 'click': function(event){ var rating = this.getRatingByWidth(this.getCurrstarsWidthByCoord(event.client.x)); this.options.rating = rating; this.inputField.set('value',rating); }.bindWithEvent(this), 'mouseleave': function(){ this.currStars.setStyle('width',this.getCurrstarsWidthByRating()); }.bindWithEvent(this), }); }, getRatingByWidth: function(width){ return Math.round((width/this.container.getStyle('width').toInt()) * this.options.stars * 100)/100; }, getCurrstarsWidthByCoord: function(xCoord){ return xCoord - this.container.getPosition().x; }, getCurrstarsWidthByRating: function(){ return this.container.getStyle('width').toInt() / this.options.stars * this.options.rating; } }); } else if(window.jQuery) { (function($){ "use strict"; var pluginName = 'Starratercomments4ward', /* Enter PluginOptions */ PluginClass = function() { var selfObj = this, // << $Kompatibilitaetsgruende img = null; this.item = false; this.init = function(elem) { selfObj = this; if(this.debug) console.log('Plugin "'+pluginName+'" initializing'); this.elem = elem; this.item = $(this.elem); if(this.container !== null) this.container = $(this.container); else { console.error('Warning: Option container is required!'); return; } if(this.currStars !== null) this.currStars = $(this.currStars); else { console.error('Warning: Option currStars is required!'); return; } if(this.inputField !== null) this.inputField = $(this.inputField); else { console.error('Warning: Option inputField is required!'); return; } if(!selfObj.enabled) return; this.loaded(); if(this.debug) console.log('Plugin "'+pluginName+'" initialized'); }; this.disable = function() { clearTimeout(selfObj.scrollTimeOut); selfObj.enabled = false; }; this.enable = function() { selfObj.enabled = true; }; this.loaded = function() { if(!selfObj.enabled) return; selfObj.internBefore(); if(selfObj.debug) console.log('Plugin loaded'); selfObj.currStars.css('width',selfObj.getCurrstarsWidthByRating()); selfObj.inputField.val(selfObj.rating); selfObj.container.mousemove(function(e){ selfObj.currStars.css({'width': selfObj.getCurrstarsWidthByCoord(e.pageX)}); }).mouseleave(function(e) { selfObj.currStars.css('width',selfObj.getCurrstarsWidthByRating()); }).click(function(e){ var rating = selfObj.getRatingByWidth(selfObj.getCurrstarsWidthByCoord(e.pageX)); selfObj.rating = rating; selfObj.inputField.val(rating); }); selfObj.internAfter(); }; this.internBefore = function() { if(!selfObj.enabled) return; selfObj.before(); }; this.internAfter = function() { if(!selfObj.enabled) return; selfObj.after(); }; this.getRatingByWidth = function(width){ var rating = Math.round((width/parseInt(selfObj.container.css('width'),10)) * selfObj.stars * 100)/100, decimal = rating.toString().split('.')[1]; if(decimal !== undefined && decimal[0] !== undefined) decimal = decimal[0]; if(decimal === undefined || decimal < selfObj.roundDown) { decimal = 0; rating = Math.floor(rating); } else if(decimal > selfObj.roundUp) { decimal = 0; rating = Math.ceil(rating); } else { decimal = 5; rating = Math.floor(rating); } return rating+'.'+decimal; }; this.getCurrstarsWidthByCoord = function(xCoord){ return xCoord - selfObj.container.offset().left; }; this.getCurrstarsWidthByRating = function(){ return parseInt(selfObj.container.css('width'),10) / selfObj.stars * selfObj.rating; }; }; $[pluginName] = $.fn[pluginName] = function(settings) { var element = typeof this === 'function'?$('html'):this; return element.each(function(k,i) { var pluginClass = $.data(this, pluginName), standardOptions = { debug: false, enabled: true, container: null, currStars: null, inputField: null, roundDown: 3.5, roundUp: 6.5, stars: 5, rating: 0.0, after: function(){}, before: function(){}, }, args =; if(!settings || typeof settings === 'object' || settings === 'init') { if(!pluginClass) { if(settings === 'init') settings = args[1] || {}; pluginClass = new PluginClass(); if(settings) standardOptions = $.extend(standardOptions,settings); pluginClass = $.extend(standardOptions,pluginClass); /** Initialisieren. */ pluginClass.init(this); $.data(this, pluginName, pluginClass); } else { return; } } else if(!pluginClass) { return; } else if(pluginClass[settings]) { var method = settings; pluginClass[method](); } else { return; } }); }; })(jQuery); }